What Really Matters?

  1. PeopleAll employees are
    • Treated with respect and dignity.
    • Given the opportunity and support to contribute to the business.
    • Held to high expectations in their work.
    • Considered a part of the team that assures business success.
  2. ProcessesThe processes that make up the “value chain”
    • Are the foundation of the business.
    • Must operate predictably or the foundation crumbles – quality declines, cost increases.
    • Must meet requirements for the business to succeed.
  3. Customers and SuppliersWithout them where would you be?
    • A relationship based on trust and constant improvement.
    • Long-term relationships yield better quality and lower costs.
    • Regular communication is critical to resolving tough problems.
    • Work together to innovate and delight each other.
  4. Building Knowledge, Asking QuestionsWithout questions, how do we learn?…
    • Knowledge requires theory and practice.
    • Best efforts will not substitute for knowledge. W Edwards Deming
    • Today’s knowledge is not sufficient to solve tomorrow’s problems.
  5. Leadership:At all levels of the business, leadersShare a vision for the future…
    • Put the success of the business first.
    • Acknowledge the contributions by everyone in the organization.
    • Realize the importance of sharing business details about success and failures